Interested in enrolling at Clearview Sudbury School?

Here is a step-by-step summary of our enrollment process. Students may enroll and begin attending at any point during the school year.

STEP 1: Educate yourself

Sudbury schools are surprisingly different from most other public and private schools. Before starting the enrollment process:

Our school does not want finances to be a limiting factor, so we offer scholarships, using FACTS (a 3rd party tuition assistance program) to evaluate affordability based on personal financials that is a separate application process than enrollment.

STEP 2: Schedule an admissions interview

Call or email the office to schedule an interview. The student and all parents/guardians involved in the decision are required to attend the enrollment interview.

The enrollment interview is not a test or a means of selecting certain kinds of students. It is a frank discussion during which all parties can make sure that Clearview Sudbury School is a good fit. It is also an orientation for the student and a chance for us to collect information necessary for enrolling. Interviews generally last about an hour. There is an interview of $50.

STEP 3: Visiting week

Schedule a day to begin a visiting week.

The visiting week is a period of five days where the prospective enrollee attends Clearview and has all the rights (other than the right to vote) and responsibilities of an enrolled student. Visiting students are asked to attend at  least 20 hours during their visiting week.

A conference also takes place at the end of the visiting week, to review the week and determine whether the student, parents, and school community are all comfortable with enrollment. A second visiting week may be scheduled if appropriate.

On or before the start of the visiting week, we will send you a Visiting Week Contract and several other enrollment forms to fill out along with an invoice for the $150 per child visiting week fee. 

STEP 4: Enrollment

Once the end-of-week interview has taken place and all parties agree that enrollment is a good idea, the remaining enrollment forms and Enrollment Contract are filled out. We will then send out a tuition invoice that includes a monthly payment plan.


Tuition and Attendance details:

The tuition is set at $9900/year.

    • We accept learners ages 5-18
    • There is a sibling discount of 25% for the second child and 50% for subsequent children.
    • There is an option to apply through FACTS. who will make a determination on the tuition based on the family’s ability to pay.
    • We follow the AISD school calendar and are open on school days from 9am until 4pm.
    • There is a minimum attendance requirement of 4 days per week and 20 hours per week, unless an exception is granted by the School Meeting.
    • Currently we are not enrolling part-time students at a reduced rate.


Clearview Sudbury School is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. CSS does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid, and any other administered programs and activities.


Want to learn more? You are welcome to visit our monthly Family Potluck where you can meet Clearview parents, students, and staff members. Join us the last Thursday of each month at 5pm for food, fellowship, and information. 

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