Preschool Info
What is a preschool incubator?

Clearview Sudbury School, in partnership with the Natural Learning Foundation, is hosting a preschool incubator on its campus.  In order to address the need for high quality preschool programs in Austin Texas, the incubator will assist small micro preschools to develop their programs to full capacity.  Once the program is fully developed and enrolled, the preschool will launch as an independent school and a new microschool will take its place on our campus.  Our hope is to bring 10 fully developed preschool options to the Austin market by 2033.

Are the incubating preschools only democratic or self directed models?

The preschools are hand selected by Clearview Sudbury School and Natural Learning Foundation because they are innovative and novel approaches to early childhood education. Some of the programming will be SDE, others will be Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Waldorf or other inspired micro programs.  The incubator is designed to add to the market place of ideas that exist in the alternative education landscape in Austin.

Do preschool families participate in the Clearview Sudbury School system of governance?

The incubating preschools will be largely autonomous and directed by a licensed preschool director.  The preschool director will answer to and receive support from the Clearview Sudbury School and Natural Learning Foundation throughout the relationship.  Once the preschool has been fully incubated, they become fully indepent of the incubator, making room for a new program to be incubated.  This model will ensure proper support during the incubation period while allowing the preschool to immediately address internal needs which are specific to the preschool.

Is it expected that preschool learners will matriculate into Clearview Sudbury School upon completion of the preschool years?

Families may find that they have grown to love, respect and appreciate the staff and community of the Clearview Sudbury School during their time at the preschool.  These families may choose to enroll their child in the Clearview Sudbury School program.  Some families may choose their neighborhood public school, public charter school, homeschool or other private school in Austin for Kindergarten and beyond.

 More information is available at 


1507 Wilshire Blvd.
Austin Texas 78722

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School Hours

M-TH: 9am – 3pm

Early Care 8am – 9am

After Care 3pm – 4pm


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